The Turkana County Department of Health and Sanitation in collaboration with nutrition partners UNICEF Kenya, Concern World Wide, World Vision Kenya, Save the Children International (SCI), WHH, World Relief (WR), KRCS, USAID Nawiri, International Rescue Committee (IRC), Malteser International, Panafricare and NDMA successfully conducted four independent SMART surveys in June 2023 covering the entire county. The survey covered all the four livelihood zones in the county (pastoral, agro-pastoral, Fisher forks and formal employment/business/petty trade). The survey zones were namely Turkana Central (Central and Loima Sub Counties), Turkana North (North and Kibish Sub Counties), Turkana South (South and East Sub Counties) and Turkana West (West Sub County).
The main goal of the survey was to determine the prevalence of malnutrition among the children aged 6-59 months old and determine mortality rate in Turkana County. The survey had several specific objectives which included to assess the prevalence of malnutrition among children under five-year-old and to assess malnutrition levels among women of reproductive age by MUAC. In addition, the survey was to determine the immunization coverage for measles, Oral Polio Vaccines (OPV 1 and 3), and vitamin A supplementation in children aged 6-59 months and to estimate coverage of iron / folic acid supplementation during pregnancy among WRA. Other specific objectives were to determine de-worming coverage for children aged 12 to 59 months; to determine the prevalence of common illnesses among children under five and to collect information on possible underlying causes of malnutrition such as household food security, water, sanitation, and hygiene practices. Unlike in June 2022 this survey accessed IYCF indicators. Also assessed was crude mortality rate (CMR) and under five mortality rates (U5MR).
Unit of Analysis
Version Description
Vesion: V001
Smart Survey
Geographic Coverage
County level
Producers and sponsors
Primary investigators
Ministry of Health
Ministry of Health
Funding Agency/Sponsor
Ministry of Health and Partners
Sampling Procedure
Two stage cluster sampling based probability proportional to Population size (PPS)