The survey findings indicated that Marsabit County has a GAM prevalence rate of 12.9 %( 10.7 - 15.6 95% C.I.), while the prevalence for severe malnutrition was 2.1% (1.5 - 3.1 95% C.I.). This is generally classified as serious by the WHO classification of malnutrition. The findings also showed the prevalence of underweight at 25.50 %( 22.4 - 28.9 95% C.I.) Where 4.6 %( 3.5 - 5.9 95% C.I.) Were severely underweight. In terms of stunting prevalence, the survey findings indicated that 28.3 %( 24.8 - 32.0 95% C.I.) Of children in Marsabit County were stunted as where 6.4 %( 5.1 - 8.1)95% C.I.) Of the children were severely stunted.
Further analysis of the nutrition data showed that North Horr sub-county had the highest GAM rate prevalence of 22.5% (17.9-28.0) that was very critical, followed by Laisamis with 18.0% (14.4-22.4) that was in critical situation. Moyale and Saku sub-counties have a GAM rate prevalence of 6.8% (4.4-10.3) indicating an alert situation and 10.0% (6.1-16.1) respectively that indicate serious situation.
The survey findings indicated that 19.6% of children aged 6-59 months in Marsabit County was reported to have been ill two weeks prior to survey. The most prevalent illness during this period was acute respiratory illnesses/ cough at 73.8%, fever with chills (32.7%) and watery diarrhea (12.3%). In addition, 78.2% of children in Marsabit County sought Health assistance when their children were ill. In terms of the specific areas sought for the treatment, majority sought assistance from public (61.0%) clinics and private clinics (23.3%). In term of supplementation, the survey findings indicate that the overall proportion of children (6-59 Months) supplemented with Vitamin A for at least once in the period of one year preceding the survey was 88.0% that is above the national target of 80%. In terms of zinc supplementation, 66.7% had received the supplementation that is below the HiNi target of 80%. From the survey results, 98.8% of children were reported to have received BCG and confirmed by Scar while Measles vaccination coverage at 9 months verified by card was at 83.9%. The results of the survey showed that among the caregivers interviewed 30.2% reported practicing proper hand washing at the 4 critical times. For the household dietary diversity, analysis showed that 24.1% of the households consumed more than 5 food groups while the minimum maternal dietary diversity showed that 88.0% of the women aged 15-49 years consumed less than 5 food groups. On IYCF, 17.4% of the children reached the minimum Dietary Diversity, 53.9% reached the minimum meal frequency and 13.5% reached the minimum Acceptable diet.
The survey was conducted through the partnership of the Ministry of Health, National Drought Management Authority (NDMA), Ministry of Agriculture, Department of Health Marsabit County, World Vision - Kenya, USAID Nawiri, World Food Programme, BOMA, MSF, SND, KWS, Welt Hunger, Midair, Child Fund, NRT, Kenya Red Cross, and Concern Worldwide-Kenya was funded by UNICEF. The survey was conducted between 1st of July and the 12th of July 2023.
Unit of Analysis
Version Description
Version; V001
Smart Survey
Geographic Coverage
County level
Producers and sponsors
Primary investigators
Ministry of Health
Ministry of Health
Funding Agency/Sponsor
Ministry of Health and Partners
Sampling Procedure
Two stage cluster sampling based probability proportional to Population size (PPS)