Data file | Cases | Variables |
Household Dataset (allhouseholds) contains information on the following areas: Household characteristics and possessions, derived variables include (HHweight),
9300 | 56 |
The name of the file is 'allhhmembers' and provides information about household schedule and demograhpic characterics, Siickness and Residence of Biological parents,Wives And Co-Habitating Partners
32725 | 52 |
alladults | 13720 | 507 |
allbirths | 4526 | 102 |
allhbtc | 15837 | 101 |
allovc | 1711 | 49 |
allpaediatric | 9683 | 115 |
allsexpartners | 10875 | 67 |
allwives | 3504 | 40 |