Catalog History

Country Title Year Created Modified
Kenya 2013 FINACCESS NATIONAL SURVEY N/A 09/16/2022 09/16/2022
Kenya Kenya Population and Housing Census 2019 N/A 11/10/2022 09/26/2024
Kenya Kenya Continuous Household Survey Prorgramme 2022 N/A 12/18/2024 12/18/2024
Kenya Kenya - TURKANA SMART NUTRITION SURVEY 2015 N/A 01/15/2025 02/04/2025
Kenya WEST POKOT SMART SURVEY 2015 N/A 02/04/2025 02/04/2025
Kenya TANA RIVER SMART SURVEY 2017 N/A 02/04/2025 02/04/2025
Kenya ISIOLO SAMART SURVEY 2016 N/A 02/04/2025 02/04/2025
Kenya INTEGRATED SMART SURVEY BUSIA 2016 N/A 02/04/2025 02/04/2025
Kenya ISIOLO SMART SURVEY 2018 N/A 02/04/2025 02/04/2025
Kenya SAMBURU SMART SURVEY 2018 N/A 02/04/2025 02/04/2025
Kenya WAJIR SMART SURVEY 2018 N/A 02/04/2025 02/04/2025
Kenya WAJIR SMART SURVEY AGRO 2018 N/A 02/04/2025 02/04/2025
Kenya WAJIR SMART SURVEY 2018 NORTH N/A 02/04/2025 02/04/2025
Kenya TANA RIVER SMART SURVEY 2019 N/A 02/05/2025 02/05/2025
Kenya Smart Survey Garissa_2019 N/A 02/05/2025 02/05/2025
Kenya Smart Survey Isiolo_2019 N/A 02/05/2025 02/05/2025
Kenya Smart Survey Manderat_2019 N/A 02/05/2025 02/05/2025
Kenya NAIROBI SMART SURVEY 2020 N/A 02/05/2025 02/05/2025
Kenya ISIOLO SMART SURVEY 2020 N/A 02/05/2025 02/05/2025
Kenya TANA RIVER SMART SURVEY 2020 N/A 02/05/2025 02/05/2025
Kenya BARINGO SMART SURVEY 2021 N/A 02/05/2025 02/05/2025
Kenya WEST POKOT SMART SURVEY 2021 N/A 02/05/2025 02/05/2025
Kenya GARISSA SMART SURVEY 2021 N/A 02/05/2025 02/05/2025
Kenya WAJIR SMART SURVEY 2021 N/A 02/05/2025 02/05/2025
Kenya MANDERA SMART SURVEY 2021 N/A 02/05/2025 02/05/2025
Kenya WAJIR SMART SURVEY 2023 N/A 02/05/2025 02/05/2025
Kenya MARSABIT SMART SURVEY 2023 N/A 02/05/2025 02/05/2025
Kenya TANA RIVER SMART SURVEY 2023 N/A 02/05/2025 02/05/2025
Kenya MANDERA SMART SURVEY 2023 N/A 02/05/2025 02/05/2025
Kenya ISIOLO SMART SURVEY 2023 N/A 02/05/2025 02/08/2025
Kenya TURKANA SMART SURVEY 2023 N/A 02/05/2025 02/05/2025
Kenya WEST POKOT SMART SURVEY 2022 N/A 02/06/2025 02/06/2025
Kenya WAJIR SMART SURVEY 2022 N/A 02/06/2025 02/06/2025
Kenya TURKANA SMART SURVEY 2015 N/A 02/06/2025 02/06/2025
Kenya GARISSA SMART SURVEY 2022 N/A 02/06/2025 02/06/2025
Kenya ISIOLO SMART SURVEY 2022 N/A 02/06/2025 02/06/2025
Kenya KWALE SMART SURVEY 2022 N/A 02/06/2025 02/06/2025
Kenya SAMBURU SMART SURVEY 2022 N/A 02/06/2025 02/06/2025
Kenya SAMBURU SMART SURVEY 2023 N/A 02/06/2025 02/06/2025
Kenya MARSABIT SMART SURVEY 2022 N/A 02/06/2025 02/06/2025
Kenya TANA RIVER SMART SURVEY 2024 N/A 02/06/2025 02/06/2025
Kenya MARSABIT SMART SURVEY 2019 N/A 02/07/2025 02/07/2025
Kenya ISIOLO SMART SURVEY 2024 N/A 02/07/2025 02/07/2025
Kenya GARISSA SMART SURVEY 2023 N/A 02/08/2025 02/08/2025
Kenya KILIFI SMART SURVEY 2023 N/A 02/08/2025 02/08/2025
Kenya KITUI SMART SURVEY 2023 N/A 02/08/2025 02/08/2025
Kenya MAKUENI SMART SURVEY 2023 N/A 02/09/2025 02/09/2025
Kenya TURKANA SMART SURVEY JUNE 2023 N/A 02/09/2025 02/09/2025
Kenya TURKANA SMART SURVEY JANUARY 2023 N/A 02/09/2025 02/09/2025
Kenya Kenya Population and Housing Census, 1969 1969 06/02/2022 09/14/2022
Kenya Kenya Population and Housing Census 1979 1979 06/02/2022 09/14/2022
Kenya Kenya Population and Housing Census 1989 1989 06/02/2022 09/14/2022
Kenya Welfare Monitoring Survey 1, 1992, First Round 1992 09/17/2022 09/17/2022
Kenya Kenya Demographic and Health Survey 1989 1993 09/23/2021 06/01/2022
Kenya Kenya Demographic and Health Survey 1993 1993 09/23/2021 09/16/2022
Kenya Welfare Monitary Survey 2, 1994, Second Round 1994 09/23/2021 06/01/2022
Kenya Welfare Monitary Survey 3, 1997, Third Round 1997 09/23/2021 09/17/2022
Kenya The Integrated Labour Force Survey, 1998/99, Second round 1998 09/23/2021 06/01/2022
Kenya Kenya Demographic and Health Survey 1998 1998 09/23/2021 09/20/2022
Kenya Micro and Small Enterprises (MSE) 1999 1999 09/23/2021 06/01/2022
Kenya KENYA POPULATION AND HOUSING CENSUS 1999 1999 05/25/2023 05/25/2023
Kenya Kenya Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS) 2000 2000 09/23/2021 09/16/2022
Kenya Investment Climate Survey 2003 2002 09/23/2021 06/01/2022
Kenya World Health Survey 2003 2003 09/23/2021 06/01/2022
Kenya Kenya Demographic and Health Survey 2003 2003 09/23/2021 09/20/2022
Kenya Greater Eldoret Health and Development Survey (Round 1) 2004 2004 09/13/2021 06/01/2022
Kenya Kenya Integrated Household Budget Survey 2005-2006 2005 09/07/2021 09/14/2022
Kenya Greater Eldoret Health and Development Survey (Round 2) 2005 2005 09/23/2021 06/01/2022
Kenya 2006 Kenya National Adults Literacy Survey 2006 09/23/2021 06/01/2022
Kenya Greater Eldoret Health and Development Survey (Round 3) 2006 2006 09/23/2021 06/01/2022
Kenya 2006 FINACCESS SURVEY 2006 11/01/2022 11/01/2022
Kenya Enterprise Survey 2007 2007 09/23/2021 06/01/2022
Kenya Kenya Aids Indicator Survey 2007 2007 09/23/2021 06/01/2022
Kenya Kenya Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey, Eastern (MICS) 2007 2007 09/23/2021 06/01/2022
Kenya Kenya National Health Account 2007 2007 09/23/2021 06/01/2022
Kenya Kenya National Survey for Persons with Disabilities 2007 2007 09/23/2021 06/01/2022
Kenya Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey North Eastern Province 2008 2008 09/23/2021 06/01/2022
Kenya Kenya Demographic and Health Survey 2008-09 2008 09/23/2021 09/20/2022
Kenya Migration Household Survey 2009 2009 09/23/2021 06/01/2022
Kenya Assessing the Educational Impact of Malaria Prevention in Kenyan Schools: Baseline Surveys 2010 2009 09/23/2021 06/01/2022
Kenya 2009 Kenya Population and Housing Census, Population and Housing Census 2009 09/23/2021 09/14/2022
Kenya 2009 FINACCESS SURVEY 2009 09/16/2022 09/27/2022
Kenya Census of Industrial Production 2010, Third round 2010 09/16/2021 06/01/2022
Kenya Central Kenya Dry Area Smallholder and Community Services Development Project (CKDAP) - 2010 2010 09/19/2021 09/17/2022
Kenya Kenya Survey of Villas, Cottages, Campsites and Apartments 2010, First round 2010 09/23/2021 06/01/2022
Kenya Kenya Malaria Indicator Survey 2010 2010 09/23/2021 06/01/2022
Kenya Kenya Urban Reproductive Health Initiative, 2010 2010 09/23/2021 11/22/2022
Kenya Foreign Investment Survey 2010 2010 09/23/2021 06/01/2022
Kenya Future of African Remittances: National Surveys 2010 2010 09/23/2021 06/01/2022
Kenya National Information and Communication Technology Survey 2010 2010 09/23/2021 09/17/2022
Kenya Kenya National Micronutrient Survey 2011, First Round 2011 09/15/2021 06/01/2022
Kenya Intergrated Survey of Service 2011, First round 2011 09/23/2021 06/01/2022
Kenya Kenya Child Labor Baseline Survey 2011 09/23/2021 06/01/2022
Kenya Global Financial Inclusion (Global Findex) Database 2011 2011 09/23/2021 06/01/2022
Kenya Informal Cross Boarder Trade 2011 2011 09/23/2021 06/01/2022
Kenya Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey Nyanza region 2011 2011 09/23/2021 06/01/2022
Kenya Kenya Innovation Survey, 2012, First round 2012 09/16/2021 06/01/2022
Kenya Kenya Aids Indicator Survey 2012, KAIS 2012 2012 09/23/2021 06/01/2022
Kenya 2012/13 National Housing Survey 2012 09/23/2021 06/01/2022
Showing 1-100 of 128